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  • Safe and Fast Wireless Access

    For most people who use public wifi, the most important part is the experience. Simple access to safe and fast internet is the demand, and we meet it.

  • Market To Your Customers

    Any time you have an opportunity to get in front of your customers you should, and we are giving you that opportunity. Here is your chance for another touch engagement with your customers every time they get on the net.

  • Keep 100% of Your Profit

    While we try to convince most of our customers to take the free access route, our platform is first an foremost built to directly monetize access to the net. For those of you who choose to use this option, we do not take a cut and the profit is all yours…

Hotspot Leads makes introducing fast and safe  public wifi access to any new or existing network infrastructure a breeze. What’s even better is that we focused more on marketing and long term customer-client relationships, unlike most of our competition, who’s goal is sheer monetization in the short term.

We believe in giving customers a fast, safe and free wifi connections in return for a facebook like,  participating in a survey or joining a mailing list as opposed to charging them. With this route the customer will be more inclined to engage and you will have endless opportunities to market to the in them future.

350% Increase

Global public wifi hotspot numbers are set to grow from 1.3 million in 2011, to 5.8 million by 2015


Percentage of business owners who think wifi is “crucial” to their customers’ experience


According to research, smartphones now account for 36% of the connections to hotspots and tablets 10%.


Free wireless hotspots in the U.S. outnumber paid Wi-Fi locations for the first time, with 55.1 percent of public Wi-Fi locations available at no charge. 

Are you ready for your wifi to help you keep customers and make money?